Nicklas Wiegandt

Skip the first two lines of a file in Apache Camel

Apache Camel is a popular open-source framework for integrating various systems and services. It provides a variety of components and tools to make it easier to integrate different systems, such as file systems, databases, and web services.

However, in some cases, it might be necessary to skip some lines in a file while processing it with Apache Camel. For instance, you might have a file that has some metadata in the first two lines, and you only want to process the actual data from the file.

In this article, I’ll show you how to skip the first two lines of a file in Apache Camel. The solution can be applied to any type of message that’s split by the split component, not just files.

The Problem

When you’re processing a file in Apache Camel, it’s possible to use the split component to split the file into separate messages, one message per line. However, if you want to skip some lines, such as the first two lines, you need a way to filter out those messages before they’re processed.

The Solution

Apache Camel provides a filter component that allows you to filter out messages based on a condition. The condition can be specified using the simple language, which provides a simple expression language for filtering messages.

To skip the first two lines of a file, we can use the filter component and check the value of the CamelSplitIndex property. This property is set by the split component and indicates the current index of the message in the split list.

Here’s an example of how to skip the first two lines of a file in Apache Camel:

.filter(simple("${exchangeProperty.CamelSplitIndex} > 1"))

In this example, we start by reading a file from the input directory using the file component. The noop option is set to true, which means that Apache Camel will not delete the original file after processing it.

Next, we use the split component to split the file into separate messages, one message per line. The tokenize option is set to "\n", which means that the file will be split on newline characters.

After that, we use the filter component to filter out messages that have an index lower than or equal to 1. This will effectively skip the first two lines of the file.

Finally, we use the to component to write the filtered messages to the output directory.


In this article, I showed you how to skip the first two lines of a file in Apache Camel. By using the filter component and checking the value of the CamelSplitIndex property, you can easily filter out the unwanted lines in a file. With Apache Camel, it’s possible to solve a variety of integration problems, and this is just one of the many examples.

This article was created with the help of OpenAI, an AI model by OpenAI.